Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto. Estructuras cinéticas”, Fine Arts Museum, Caracas, Venezuela, 1957
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Meneses, Guillermo. Untitled. Brussels, Belgium: Galerie Aujourd’hui, Palais des Beaux-Arts, 1957
Peintures Cinétiques de Soto exhibition Galerie Aujourd’hui, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Belgium
Hulten. Soto – Estructuras Cinéticas. Caracas, Venezuela: Museo de Bellas Artes, 1957
Soto – Estructuras Cinéticas exhibition, Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela
Museo de Bellas Artes. Soto Vibraciones. Caracas, Venezuela, 1961
Soto Vibraciones, exhibition Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela

Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto Kinetische Bilder”, Müller Gallery, Stuttgart, Germany, 1964
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Wember, Paul. Soto. Krefeld, Germany: Museum Haus Lange, 1963
Soto – Kinetische Bilder – Tableaux Cinétiques exhibition, Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld, Germany
Wember, Paul. Soto. Stuttgart, Germany Müller gallery, 1964
Soto Kinetische Bilder exhibition , Müller gallery, Stuttgart, Germany

Showroom catalogue cover, “Soto at Signals London”, Signals Gallery, London, 1965
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Apollonio, Umbro. Vibrations by Soto. New York, USA: The Kootz Gallery, 1965
Vibrations by Soto exhibition, The Kootz Gallery, New York, USA
Apollonio, Umbro. Soto at Signals London. London, Inglaterra: Signals London Gallery, 1965
Soto at Signals London exhibition Signals London Gallery, London, England
Signals London Gallery. The Achievements of Jesus Rafael Soto: 1950-1965: 15 years of vibrations. London, England, 1965
The Achievements of Jesus Rafael Soto: 1950-1965: 15 years of vibrations,
exhibition Signals London Gallery, London, England
Apollonio, Umbro. Soto. Milan, Italy: Galleria del Naviglio, 1966
Soto exhibition Galleria del Naviglio, Milan, Italy
Apollonio, Umbro. Soto. Venice, Italy: Galleria del Cavallino, 1966
Soto exhibition, Galleria del Cavallino, Venice, Italy
Apollonio, Umbro. J.-R. Soto. Trieste, Italy: Centro Arte Viva-Feltrinelli, 1966
J.-R. Soto exhibition, Centro Arte Viva-Feltrinelli, Trieste, Italy

Exhibition catalogue cover “Homenaje a Jesús Soto”, Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela, 1966
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Lead, Nestor. Homenaje a Jesús Soto. Caracas, Venezuela: Museo de Bellas Artes, 1966
Homenaje a Jesús Soto Exhibition Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela, 1966
Celant, Germano. Jesús Rafael Soto. Genoa, Italia: Galleria del Deposito, 1966
Soto Exhibition, Galleria del Deposito, Genoa, Italy
Schmela gallery. Untitled. Düsseldorf, Germany, 1966
.-R. Soto – Kinetische Strukturen , Schmela gallery exhibition, Düsseldorf, Germany
The Kootz Gallery. Soto at Kootz. New York, USA, 1966
Soto at Kootz exhibition, The Kootz Gallery, New York, USA

Exhibition catalogue cover “Jesús Soto”, INCIBA, Caracas, Venezuela, 1967
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Clay, Jean. Soto. Paris, France: Galerie Denise René, 1967
Soto – de l’art optique à l’art cinétique exhibition, Galerie Denise René, Paris, France
Instituto Nacional de Cultura y Bellas Artes. Jesús Soto. Caracas, Venezuela, 1967
Jesús Soto exhibition, Instituto Nacional de Cultura y Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela

Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto”, Lorenzelli Gallery, Bergamo, Italy, 1968
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Wember, Paul; H. S. Soto. Bern, Switzerland: Kunsthalle, 1968
Soto exhibition, Kunsthalle, Bern, Switzerland
Schmied, Wieland; Mack; Soto, Jesús Rafael; Wember, Paul. Untitles. Hanover, Alemania : Kestner-Gesellschaft, 1968
Jesús-Raphael Soto exhibition, Kestner-Gesellschaft, Hanover, Germany
Galleria Lorenzelli. Soto. Bergamo, Italy, 1968
J. R. Soto exhibition, Galleria Lorenzelli, Bergamo, Italy
Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen. Untitled. Düsseldorf, Germany, 1968
J. R. Soto Werke 1950-1968 exhibition, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf, Germany

Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto”, Marlborough-Gerson Gallery, New York, USA, 1969
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Clay, Jean. Untitled. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Stedelijk Museum, 1969
Soto exhibition, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Clay, Jean. Soto. Paris, France: ARC, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1969
Soto exhibition, ARC Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France
Brett, Guy. Soto. New York, USA: Marlborough – Gerson Gallery, 1969
Soto exhibition, Marlborough – Gerson Gallery, New York, USA
Galleria del Naviglio. Soto. Milan, Italy, 1969
Soto exhibition, Galleria del Naviglio, Milan, Italy
Galería Conkright. Untitled. Caracas, Venezuela, 1969
Soto exhibition, Galería Conkright, Caracas, Venezuela

Exhibition catalogue cover “Jesús Rafael Soto”, Art Pavilion, Kunstverein, Mannheim, Germany, 1970
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Clay, Jean. Soto. Zagreb, Croatia: Galerija Suvremene Umjetnosti, 1970
Soto exhibition, Galerija Suvremene Umjetnosti, Zagreb, Croatia
Kunstverein. Soto. Mannheim, Germany , 1970
Jesús Rafael Soto exhibition, Kunstverein, Mannheim, Germany
Galerie Denise René. Untitled. Paris, France, 1970
Soto exhibition, Galerie Denise René, Paris, France
Ulmer Museum. Soto. Ulm, Germany, 1970
Jesús Rafael Soto exhibition, Vibrationsbilder, Ulmer Museum, Ulm, Germany

Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto”, Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela, 1971
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Boulton, Alfredo; Meneses, Guillermo. Untitled. Caracas, Venezuela: Museo de Bellas Artes, 1971
Soto exhibition, Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela
Soto, Jesús Rafael. Soto – Pintura Figurativa 1944-1950. Caracas, Venezuela: Galería de Arte Inciba Pro-Venezuela, 1971
Soto – Pintura Figurativa 1944-1950 exhibition, Galería de Arte Inciba Pro-Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela
Galleria d’Arte R. Rotta. Soto Exhibition, Milan, Italy, 1971
Soto exhibition, Galleria d’Arte R. Rotta, Milan, Italy

Exhibition catalogue cover “Raphael Soto”, Corsini Gallery, Intra, Italy, 1973
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Beyeler gallery. Soto. Basel, Switzerland, 1972
Soto exhibition, Beyeler gallery, Basel, Switzerland
Alice Pauli gallery. Soto. Lausanne, Switzerland, 1972
Soto exhibition, Alice Pauli gallery, Lausanne, Switzerland
Galleria Corsini. Untitled. Intra, Italy, 1973
Raphael Soto exhibition, Galleria Corsini, Intra, Italy
Mabertini, Luigi. Soto. Rome, Italy: Galleria Godel, 1973
Soto exhibition, Galleria Godel, Rome, Italy
Soto, Jesús Rafael. Soto. Caracas, Venezuela: Galería de Arte y Gráficas Arte/Contacto, 1973
Jesús Rafael Soto exhibition, Galería de Arte y Gráficas Arte/Contacto, Caracas, Venezuela

Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto”, Arte Contacto Art Gallery, Caracas, Venezuela, 1975
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T.M.M; Renard, Claude-Louis; Soto, Jesús Rafael.
Soto: A Retrospective Exhibition. New York, USA: The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1974
Soto: A Retrospective Exhibition Exhibition, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA
Galerie Denise René. Soto. New York, USA, 1974
Soto exhibition, Galerie Denise René, New York, USA
Galería de Arte y Gráficas Arte/Contacto. Soto. Caracas, Venezuela, 1975
Jesús Soto – Obras Recientes exhibition, Galería de Arte y Gráficas Arte/Contacto, Caracas, Venezuela

Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto”, Watari Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, 1976
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Watari gallery. Soto. Tokyo, Japan, 1976
Soto exhibition, Watari gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Renard, Claude-Louis; Soto, Jesús Rafael. Soto. Gordes, France: Centre International de Création Artistique de Sénanque, 1977
Soto – Écritures, courbes immatérielles, carrés vibratoires, carrés virtuels exhibition, Centre International de Création Artistique de Sénanque, Gordes, France
Galerie Bonnier. Soto – Ecritures. Geneva, Switzerland, 1977
J. R. Soto exhibition, Galerie Bonnier, Geneva, Switzerland
Valeur gallery. Soto. Nagoya, Japan, 1977
J. R. – Multiples exhibition, Valeur gallery, Nagoya, Japan
Bibliothèque Municipale de Caen. Untitled. Caen, France, 1977
Soto – Œuvre Cinétiques exhibition, Bibliothèque municipale de Caen, Caen, France

Exhibition catalogue cover “Escritura”, Galerie Denise René, Paris, France, 1978
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Liljevalchs Konsthall. J-R Soto. Stockholm, Sweden, 1978
Jesús Rafael Soto – Aktuel Produktion exhibition, Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden
Galerie Denise René. Escritura. Paris, France, 1978
Escritura exhibition, Galerie Denise René, Paris, France

Exhibition catalogue cover “Escritura – Arturo Uslar Pietri / Jesús Rafaël Soto”, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Caracas, Caracas, Venezuela, 1979
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Bell, Marja-Liisa; Renard, Claude-Louis. Soto. Helsinki, Finland: Art collection of the city of Helsinki, 1979
Jesús Rafaël Soto exhibition, Art collection of the city of Helsinki, Finland
Imber, Sofia. Escritura. Caracas, Venezuela : Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas, 1979
Escritura – Arturo Uslar Pietri / Jesús Rafael Soto exhibition, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas, Caracas, Venezuela
Hulten, Pontus; Renard, Claude-Louis. Soto. Paris, France: Musée National d’Art Moderne, 1979
Soto – Œuvres Actuelles exhibition, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, France
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas. Múltiples de Soto. Caracas, Venezuela, 1979
Múltiples de Soto exhibition, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas, Caracas, Venezuela

Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto”, Casa de Colón, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 1981
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Álvarez Bajares, Rodolfo; Imber, Sofía; Boulton, Alfredo; Carnevali, Gloria. Untitled. Caracas, Venezuela: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas, 1980
Obras de Soto exhibition, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas, Caracas, Venezuela
Boulton, Alfredo. Soto. Bogota, Colombia: Galería Tempora, 1981
Soto exhibition, Galería Tempora, Bogota, Colombia
Bouton, Alfredo. Soto. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain: Casa de Colón, 1981
Soto exhibition, Casa de Colón, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Boulton, Alfredo. Soto. Caracas, Venezuela: Galería de Arte Ing. Rolando Oliver Rugeles, 1981
Soto exhibition, Galería de Arte Ing. Rolando Oliver Rugeles, Caracas, Venezuela

Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto – Cuarenta años de creación”, Contemporary Art Museum, Caracas, Venezuela, 1983
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Tusell Gómez, Javier; Rafael León Morales; Boulton, Alfredo; Moure, Gloria. Soto. Madrid, Spain: Palacio de Velásquez del Parque del Retiro, 1982
Soto exhibition, Palacio de Velásquez del Parque del Retiro, Madrid, Spain
Canto Rubio, Juan. Soto. Alicante, Spain: Caja de Ahorros Provincial de Alicante, 1982
Soto exhibition, Caja de Ahorros Provincial de Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Ateneo de Zea. Soto. Mérida, Venezuela, 1982
Encuentro con Jesús Soto exhibition, Ateneo de Zea, Mérida, Venezuela
Imber, Sofía; Boulton, Alfredo; Tismaneanu, Vladimir; Plazy, Gilles; Abadie, Daniel. Soto – Cuarenta Años de Creación. Caracas, Venezuela: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas, 1983
Soto – Cuarenta Años de Creación exhibition, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas, Caracas, Venezuela

Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto”, Luzan showroom, Caja de Ahorros de la Inmaculada, Saragossa, Spain, 1983
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Caja de Ahorros de la Inmaculada. Soto. Zaragoza, Spain, 1983
Soto exhibition, Caja de Ahorros de la Inmaculada, Zaragoza, Spain
Plazy, Gilles. Soto. Maracaïbo, Venezuela: Centro de Bellas Artes, 1983
Soto exhibition, Centro de Bellas Artes, Maracaïbo, Venezuela
Casa de la Cultura. Soto. La Victoria, Venezuela, 1983
Soto exhibition, Casa de la Cultura, La Victoria, Venezuela

Exhibition catalogue cover “Jesús Rafael Soto – Kunst in der Architektur 1”, Achenbach art consulting, Düsseldorf, Germany, 1985
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Achenbach, Helge. Jesús Rafael Soto – Kunst in der Architektur 1. Düsseldorf, Germany: Achenbach Art Consulting, 1985
Jesús Rafael Soto – Kunst in der Architektur 1 exhibition, Achenbach Art Consulting, Düsseldorf, Germany
Messer, Thomas M.; Reid, Norman; Boulton, Alfredo; Weinhardt, Carl J.; Soto, Jesús Rafael. Soto – Space Art. Miami, USA: Center for the Fine Arts, 1985
Soto – Space Art exhibition, Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, USA
Galería Garces Velásquez. Soto. Bogota, Colombia, 1985
Soto exhibition, Galería Garces Velásquez, Bogota, Colombia
Sala Ateneo de Cumaná. Obras de Soto. Cumaná, Venezuela, 1985
Obras de Soto exhibition, Sala Ateneo de Cumaná, Cumaná, Venezuela

Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto”, Expressions Art Gallery, Miami, USA, 1986
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Honma, Masayoshi. Soto. Tokyo, Japan: Contemporary Sculpture Center, 1986
Rafael Soto exhibition, Contemporary Sculpture Center, Tokyo, Japan
Soto, Jesús Rafael. Soto. Miami, USA: Expressions Art Gallery, 1986
Soto exhibition, Expressions Art Gallery, Miami, USA
Soto, Jesús Rafael; Boulton, Alfredo. Soto. Paris, France: Gilbert Brownstone & Cie, 1987
Soto exhibition, Gilbert Brownstone & Cie. Soto, Paris, France

Exhibition catalogue cover “Biennale de San Juan del grabado latinoamericano y del Caribe – Soto”, Instituto de cultura puertorriqueña, San Juan, Porto Rico, 1988
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Leenhardt, Jacques. Soto. Knokke-Le-Zoute, Belgium: Elisabeth Franck Gallery, 1988
Soto exhibition, Elisabeth Franck Gallery, Knokke-Le-Zoute, Belgium
Leenhardt, Jacques. Soto. Paris, France: Galerie Gilbert Brownstone & Cie, 1988
Soto exhibition, Galerie Gilbert Brownstone & Cie, Paris, France
Lopez Soba, Elias; Garcia Gutierrez, Enrique; Boulton, Alfredo. Soto. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, 1988
Biennale de San Juan del Grabado Latinoamericano y del Caribe – Soto exhibition, Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, San Juan, Puerto Rico
El Ateneo de Boconó et la Unidad de Arte del Instituto Internacional de Estudios Avanzados (IDEA). Untitled. Boconó / Caracas, Venezuela, 1988
Soto exhibition, El Ateneo de Boconó et la Unidad de Arte del Instituto Internacional de Estudios Avanzados (IDEA), Boconó / Caracas, Venezuela
Hyundai gallery. Soto 1978-1988. Seoul, South Korea, 1988
Soto 1978-1988 exhibition, Hyundai gallery, Seoul, South Korea

Exhibition catalogue cover “Jesús Rafael Soto”, The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura, Japan, 1990
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Imber, Sofia; Jiménez, Ariel. Jesús Soto – Lo Visible y lo Posible. Coro, Venezuela: Museo de Arte de Coro, 1989
Jesús Soto – Lo Visible y lo Posible exhibition, Museo de Arte de Coro, Coro, Venezuela
Boulton, Alfredo. Soto. Madrid, Spain : Galería Theo, 1990
Soto exhibition, Galería Theo, Madrid, Spain
Boulton, Alfredo; Homma, Masayoshi. Untitled. Kamakura, Japan: The Museum of Modern Art, 1990
Jesús Rafael Soto exhibition, The Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura, Japan
Schumacher, Ulrich; Mahlow, Dietrich. Jesús Rafael Soto. Bottrop, Germany: Josef Albers Museum, 1990
Jesús Rafael Soto exhibition, Josef Albers Museum, Bottrop, Germany
Soto, Jesús Rafael. Soto. Madrid, Spain: Galería Theospacio, 1990
Soto exhibition, Galería Theospacio, Madrid, Spain
Xuriguera, Gérard. Soto. Nice, France: Galerie Sapone, 1990
Soto exhibition, Galerie Sapone, Nice, France

Exhibition catalogue cover “Jesus Raphael Soto”, Gallery 44, Kaarst, Germany, 1991
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Prinzen, Helme; Mahlow, Dietrich. Jesús Raphael Soto. Kaarst, Germany: Gallery 44, 1991
Jesús Raphael Soto exhibition, Gallery 44, Kaarst, Germany
Humphrey Gallery. Untitled. New York, USA, 1991
Jesús Rafael Soto exhibition, Humphrey Gallery, New York, USA
Galleria Arte 92. Soto. Milan, Italy, 1991
Soto – Opere Recenti exhibition, Galleria Arte 92, Milan, Italy
Le Nouëne, Patrick; Abadie, Daniel; Bann, Stephen; Jiménez, Ariel; Boulton, Alfredo; Renard, Claude-Louis; Soto, Jesús Rafael. Soto – Rétrospective. Meymac, France : Centre d’Art Contemporain de Meymac, 1992
Jesús Rafael Soto – Rétrospective exhibition, Centre d’Art Contemporain de Meymac, Meymac, France
Jiménez, Ariel. Soto Actual. Caracas, Venezuela : Altamira Fine Art, 1992
Soto Actual exhibition, Altamira Fine Art, Caracas, Venezuela
Negrete B, Plinio; Yunes, Gladys; Ramos, Maria Elena. Jesús Soto : La física, lo inmaterial. Caracas, Venezuela : Museo de Bellas Artes de Caracas, 1992
Jesús Soto : La física, lo inmaterial exhibition, Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela

Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto en el mundo”, Université de Los Andes, Fundation Cas de la Cultura, Mérida, Venezuela, 1994
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Pernes, Fernando. Jesús Rafael Soto – Retrospectiva. Porto, Portugal: Fundação de Serralves, 1993
Jesús Rafael Soto – Retrospectiva exhibition, Fundação de Serralves, Porto, Portugal
Rincón González, Idelisa; Jiménez, Ariel. Soto – Repensar lo visible. Maracay, Venezuela: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Maracay Mario Abreu, 1993
Soto – Repensar lo visible exhibition, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Maracay Mario Abreu, Maracay, Venezuela
Boulton, Alfredo; Popper, Franck. Mural de Bruselas – Movimiento Cinético. Caracas, Venezuela: Galería de Arte Nacional, 1993
Mural de Bruselas – Movimiento Cinético exhibition, Galería de Arte Nacional, Caracas, Venezuela
Imber, Sofía; Joray, Marcel; Soto, Jesús Rafael; Tusell Gómez, Javier; Moure, Gloria; Iglesias, José Maria; Jímenez, Ariel; Arvelo Ramos, Alberto. Soto en el Mundo. Mérida, Venezuela: Fundación Casa de la Cultura Juan Felix Sánchez, 1994
Soto en el Mundo exhibition, Fundación Casa de la Cultura Juan Felix Sánchez, Mérida, Venezuela
Gallery Seomi. Soto. Seoul, South Korea, 1994
Soto exhibition, Seomi gallery, Seoul, South Korea

Exhibition catalogue cover “Jesús Rafael Soto”, Jeu de Paume National Gallery, Paris, France, 1997
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Ribadeneira M., Edmundo. Soto. Quito, Ecuador: Galería Exedra, 1995
Soto exhibition, Galería Exedra, Quito, Ecuador
Plazy, Gilles. Jesús Rafaël Soto. Paris, France: Galerie Denise René, 1997
Soto exhibition, Galerie Denise René, Paris, France
Kübler, Gabriele. Jesús Rafael Soto – Retrospektive. Reutlingen, Germany: Stiftung für Konkrete Kunst, 1997
Jesús Rafael Soto – Retrospektive exhibition, Stiftung für Konkrete Kunst, Reutlingen, Germany
Pau-Llosa, Ricardo. Untitled. Caracas, Venezuela: Galería Durban Segnini, 1997
Soto Virtual exhibition, Galería Durban Segnini, Caracas, Venezuela

Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto”, National Central University, Taipei, Taiwan, 1997
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Butor, Michel; Pierre, Arnauld; Collet, Marc. Soto. Paris, France: Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume, 1997
Jesús Rafael Soto exhibition, Galerie Nationale du Jeu de Paume, Paris, France
Plazy, Gilles. Soto. Seoul, South Korea: Hyundai gallery, 1997
Jesús Rafael Soto exhibition, Hyundai gallery, Seoul, South Korea
Fairmate Art Gallery. J.R. Soto. Taipei, Taïwan, 1997
J.R. Soto exhibition, Fairmate Art Gallery, Taipei, Taïwan
National Central University. Soto. Taipei, Taïwan, 1997
Soto exhibition, National Central University, Taipei, Taïwan

Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto”, Casa Andrade Muricy, Curitiba, Brazil, 1998
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Yares, Riva; Lucie-Smith, Edward. Soto. Scottsdale, USA: Riva Yares gallery, 1998
Jesús Soto – Universe of change exhibition, Riva Yares gallery, Scottsdale / Santa Fe, USA
Mantellini Quintero, Ramón; Huerta, Ninoska; Rodriguez, Bélgica. Soto. Caracas, Venezuela: PDV, 1998
Soto – Homenaje al Maestro Jesús Soto exhibition, PDV, Caracas, Venezuela
Gomez-Angulo Rodriguez, Juan Antonio; Losada Aranguren, José Maria; Guevara, Roberto; Leenhardt, Jacques; Bonet Correa, Antonio. Soto. Madrid, Spain: Centro Cultural del Conde Duque, 1998
Jesús Soto exhibition, Centro Cultural del Conde Duque, Madrid, Spain
Camargo, Lucia. Soto. Curitiba, Brazil: Casa Andrade Muricy, 1998
Soto exhibition, Casa Andrade Muricy, Curitiba, Brazil

Exhibition catalogue cover “Jesús Rafael Soto”, Banque Bruxelles Lambert (BBL), Brussels, Belgium, 1999
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Tilmant, Michel. Jesús Rafael Soto. Brussels, Belgium: Banque Bruxelles Lambert, 1999
Jesús Rafael Soto exhibition, Banque Bruxelles Lambert, Brussels, Belgium
Heinz, Mack; Soto, Jesús Rafael. Soto – Die poesie der energie. Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein: Galerie Am Lidenplatz, 1999
Soto – Die poesie der energie exhibition, Galerie Am Lidenplatz, Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein
Huerta, Ninoska; Silva, Carlos. Soto – Energía y Movimiento. Caracas, Venezuela: Galería de Arte la Previsora, 1999
Soto – Energía y Movimiento exhibition, Galería de Arte la Previsora, Caracas, Venezuela
Planchart Licea, Eduardo. Soto – Dosmil. Valencia, Venezuela: Galería de Arte Ascaso, 1999
Soto – Dosmil exhibition, Galería de Arte Ascaso, Valencia, Venezuela
Aguire Noguesc, Javier; Joray, Marcel; Castedo, Leopold; Galaz, Gaspard. Soto – La poética de la energía. Santiago de Chile, Chile: Sala de Arte Telefónica, 1999
Soto – La poética de la energía exhibition, Sala de Arte Telefónica, Santiago de Chile, Chile

Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto Clásico y Moderno”, Fondation Corp Group Centre Culturel, Caracas, Venezuela, 2000
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Shieh-Ni, Chen; Kao, Shih-Heng; Collet, Marc; Pierre, Anrnaud. Jesús Rafael Soto. Kaohsiung, Taïwan: Museum of Fine Arts, 2000
Jesús Rafael Soto exhibition, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taïwan
Schoeller, Hubertus; Gassen, Richard W. Jesús Rafael Soto. Berlin, Germany: Allianz Versicherungs – AG, 2000
Jesús Rafael Soto – Bilder and Skulpturen 1959-2000 exhibition, Allianz Versicherungs – AG, Berlin, Germany
Saieh, Alvaro; Huerta, Ninoska; Silva, Carlos. Untitled. Caracas, Venezuela: Fundación Corp Group Centro Cultural, 2000
Soto Clásico y Moderno exhibition, Fundación Corp Group Centro Cultural, Caracas, Venezuela
Alliende Piwonka, Cristóbal; Gilio, Maria Esther; Joray, Marcel; Torres León, Vicglamar; Zea, Gloria. Jesús Rafael Soto. Bogotá, Colombia: Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá, 2001
Jesús Rafael Soto exhibition, Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia

Exhibition catalogue cover “Jesús Soto”, Dan Gallery, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2002
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Milliet, Maria Alice; Jimenez, Ariel. Soto. São Paulo, Bazil: Dan Galeria, 2002
Jesús Soto exhibition, Dan Galeria, São Paulo, Brazil
Guevara, Robert; Tismaneanu, Vladimir. Jesús Soto en Maracaibo. Maracaïbo, Venezuela: Centro de Arte de Maracaibo Lía Bermúdez, 2002
Jesús Soto en Maracaibo exhibition, Centro de Arte de Maracaibo Lía Bermúdez, Maracaïbo, Venezuela
Abadie, Daniel; Pierre, Arnaud; Gomez, Hannia; Soto, Jesús Rafael. Soto – A Gran Escala. Caracas, Venezuela: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas, 2003
Soto – A Gran Escala exhibition, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas, Caracas, Venezuela
Pierre, Arnauld. Soto. Paris, France : Galerie Denise René, 2003
Soto – Le mouvement dans l’art exhibition, Galerie Denise René, Paris, France
Abadie, Daniel; Pierre, Arnaud; Gomez, Hannia; Soto, Jesús Rafael. Soto – A Gran Escala. Quito, Ecuador: Centro Cultural Metropolitano, 2003
Soto – A Gran Escala exhibition, Centro Cultural Metropolitano, Quito, Ecuador

Exhibition catalogue cover “Jesús Rafael Soto”, Sicardi Gallery, Houston, USA, 2004
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Abadie, Daniel. Soto – la couleur en suspens. Paris, France: Galerie Denise René Rive Gauche, 2004
Soto – la couleur en suspens exhibition, Galerie Denise René Rive Gauche, Paris, France
Olea, Hector. Untitled. Houston, USA: Sicardi gallery, 2004
Jesús-Rafael Soto exhibition, Sicardi gallery, Houston, USA
Nordmann, Agnès. Soto. Caracas, Venezuela: Galería Dimaca, 2004
Soto exhibition, Galería Dimaca, Caracas, Venezuela
Galería Joan Guaita. Jesús Soto. Palma de Majorque, Spain, 2004
Jesús Soto exhibition, Galería Joan Guaita, Palma de Majorque, Spain

Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto a Construção da Imaterialidade”, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2005
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Venancio Filho, Paulo; Brett, Guy. Soto. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Banco do Brasil, 2005
Soto – A Construção da Imaterialidade exhibition, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Requião, Maristela; Venancio Filho, Paulo; Brett, Guy. Soto. Brasilia, Brazil: Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, 2005
Soto – A Construção da Imaterialidade exhibition, Centro Cultural Banco do Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Venancio Filho, Paulo; Brett, Guy. Soto – A Construção da Imaterialidade. São Paulo, Brazil: Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, 2005
Soto – A Construção da Imaterialidade exhibition, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo, Brazil
Siato, Alex; Luke, Gregorio; Alonso, Idurre; Imber, Sofia; Hammer Dueck, Kirsten; Bello PH. D, Milagros; Rodriguez, Bélgica; Renard, Claude-Louis; Savino, Mariavelia. La Universalidad de lo Inmaterial. Long Beach, USA: Museum of Latin American Art (MoLAA), 2005
La Universalidad de lo Inmaterial exhibition, Museo of Latin American Art (MoLAA), Long Beach, USA
Comandari, M. Elena; Soto, Jesús Rafael; Rodriguez, Bélgica; Plazy, Gilles. Jesús Rafael Soto. Santiago, Chile : Galería Artespacio, 2005
Jesús Rafael Soto – Homenaje al maestro del arte cinético exhibition, Galería Artespacio, Santiago, Chile
Martinez Estrada, Ramiro; Rosenberg, Adriana; Cuevas, Tatiana; Santoscoy, Paola; Ulrich Obrist, Hans. Jesús Rafael Soto – Visión en Movimiento. Mexico, Mexico: Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo, 2005
Jesús Rafael Soto – Visión en Movimiento exhibition, Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico, Mexico
Fundación Galería de Arte Nacional. Jesús Soto. Caracas, Venezuela, 2005
Jesús Soto 1923-2005 exhibition, Fundación Galería de Arte Nacional, Caracas, Venezuela

Exhibition catalogue cover “Pensar en obra – Homenaje a Jesús Soto”, Fundación Museo de Arte Moderno Jesús Soto, Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela, 2006
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Fundación Proa. Jesús Rafael Soto – Visión en Movimiento. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2006
Jesús Rafael Soto – Visión en Movimiento exhibition, Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Soto, Jesús Rafael; Driben, Lelia. Soto. Mexico, Mexico: Galería Pablo Goebel Fine Art, 2006
Soto exhibition, Galería Pablo Goebel Fine Art, Mexico, Mexico
Fernández, Rosa Elda; Palacios, Carlos E; Perez Oramas, Luis. Soto – Virtual. Caracas, Venezuela: Arte Contacto, 2006
Soto – Virtual exhibition, Arte Contacto, Caracas, Venezuela
Vera-Marín, Anabeli. Jesús Soto – Virtualidad Vibrante. Caracas, Venezuela: PDVSA Centro de Arte la Estancia, 2006
Jesús Soto – Virtualidad Vibrante exhibition, PDVSA Centro de Arte la Estancia, Caracas, Venezuela
Martinez Estrada, Ramiro; Rosenberg, Adriana; Cuevas, Tatiana; Santoscoy, Paola; Ulrich Obrist, Hans. Jesús Rafael Soto – Visione in Movimiento. Bergamo, Italy: Galleria d’arte Moderna e Contemporanea, 2006
Jesús Rafael Soto – Visione in Movimiento exhibition, Galleria d’arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Bergamo, Italy
Theo Estudio Mignoni. Soto. Madrid, Spain, 2006
Soto exhibition, Theo Estudio Mignoni, Madrid, Spain
Jiménez, Ariel. Pensar en obra – Homenaje a Jesús Soto. Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela: Fundación Museo de Arte Moderno Jesús Soto, 2006
Pensar en obra – Homenaje a Jesús Soto exhibition, Museo de Arte Moderno Jesús Soto, Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela

Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto”, Robert Sandelson and Contemporary International Art, London, England, 2011
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Gili, Jaime. Jesús Rafael Soto. London, England: Robert Sandelson gallery, 2006
Jesús Rafael Soto exhibition, Robert Sandelson gallery, London, England
Obrist, Hans Ulrich. Jesús Rafael Soto. Berlin, Germany: Max Hetlzer gallery, 2006
Jesús Rafael Soto exhibition, Max Hetlzer gallery, Berlin, Germany
Leenhardt, Jacques. Soto. Paris, France: Galerie Denise René, 2010
Soto : Les harmonies combinatoires exhibition, Galerie Denise René Espace Marais / Rive gauche, Paris, France
Dautel, Spring. Soto. New York, USA: Haunch of Venison Gallery, 2011
Soto exhibition, Haunch of Venison gallery, New York, USA

Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto”, Denise René Gallery, Marais Space, Paris, France, 2013
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Brodsky, Estrellita B.; Lynn Gumpert; K. Rich, Sarah. Soto: Paris and Beyond, 1950-1970. New York, USA : Grey Art gallery, 2012
Soto: Paris and Beyond, 1950-1970 exhibition, Grey Art gallery, New York, USA
Galería de Arte Ascaso. Soto – Color sobre color. Caracas, Venezuela, 2012
Color sobre color exhibition, Galería de Arte Ascaso, Caracas, Venezuela
Jiménez, Ariel; Nesselrode, Sean. Soto Unearthed – A 1968 Film and Selected Early Works. New York, USA : Gallery Bosi Contemporary, 2012
Soto Unearthed – A 1968 Film and Selected Early Works exhibition, Gallery Bosi Contemporary, New York, USA
Galería Adolfo Cayón. Soto, negro sobre blanco, blanco sobre negro. Madrid, Spain, 2012
Soto, negro sobre blanco, blanco sobre negro exhibition, Galería Adolfo Cayon, Madrid, Spain
Galerie Denise René. Soto. Paris, France, 2013
Soto exhibition, Galerie Denise René rive gauche, Paris, France
Jiménez, Ariel; Ameline, Jean-Paul; Ernoult, Nathalie. Soto. Paris, France: Centre Georges Pompidou, 2013
Soto – Collection du Centre Pompidou exhibition, Musée National d’art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, France

Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto – Une rétrospective”, Soulages Museum, Rodez, France, 2015
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Poirier, Matthieu; Arnauld, Pierre. Soto. Paris, France: Galerie Perrotin, 2015
Soto Chronochrome exhibition, Galerie Perrotin, Paris / New York, France
Ramos, Maria Elena. Estático Dinámico. Caracas, Venezuela: Galería Ascaso, 2015
Estático Dinámico exhibition, Galería Ascaso, Caracas, Venezuela
Decron, Benoit; Poirier, Matthieu; Méchain, Aurore. Soto – une rétrospective. Rodez, France : Musée Soulages, 2015
Soto – une rétrospective exhibition, Musée Soulages, Rodez, France
Saravo Sánchez, Ronnie; de la Torre, Alfonso. Soto. Madrid, Spain: Galería Odalys, 2018
Soto exhibition, Galería Odalys, Madrid, España

Exhibition catalogue cover “Soto. La cuarta dimensión”, Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain, 2019
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Ameline, Jean-Paul. Soto: Vibrations 1950-1960. New-York, USA: Hauser & Wirth Publishers, 2019
Soto: Vibrations 1950-1960 exhibition, Hauser & Wirth Gallery, New-York, USA
Cirauqui, Manuel; Amor, Monica; Clay, Jean. Soto: la cuarta dimensión. Bilbao, Spain: La Fábrica – Guggenheim Bilbao, 2019
Soto: la cuarta dimensión exhibition, Guggenheim Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain
D’Orgeval, Domitille. Carrément Soto, Paris, France, 2020
Carrément Soto exhibition, Galerie Denise René espace marais, Paris, France
Fuenmayor, Jesús. Soto materia y vibración. New York, United States: Galerie Perrotin, 2022
Soto materia y vibración exhibition, Galerie Perrotin, New York, United States
Ramos, María Elena. SOTO Vibración Pura, Ascaso Gallery, Miami, United States