Jesús Soto with his daughter Isabel in his studio in Caracas, Venezuela © Soto Archives / All rights reserved
The Jesús Soto Foundation, based in Caracas, is an institution dedicated to protect, preserve, and promote the study and appreciation of Jesús Soto’s artistic legacy, along with the Atelier Soto (S.A.R.L Ávila) in Paris and the Comité Soto.
In line with these objectives, the Foundation provides support, advice and collaborates with projects that contribute to give resonance to the work of Soto making possible the appreciation and enjoyment of his artistic proposal by the widest possible audience.
In addition, the Foundation has an atelier in Caracas that offers restoration services for Soto’s works in Venezuela.
This is carried out by highly qualified technicians, trained in the institution, respecting the quality, type and nature of the materials, as well as the colours and techniques originally used by the artist in each period of his production. Their rigour guarantees the preservation of each work’s value once restored.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at: fundacionjesussoto@gmail.com or call us on +58 212 794 1184.