
Selected Group shows

1940s – 1950s

Soto exhibition Moderna Museet Stockholm 1959

Exhibition Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden.
© Archives Soto / All Rights Reserved


Salón anual de Arte Venezolano, Caracas, Venezuela.


6th Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Palais des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France.
From June 8th to July 16th, 1951

Espace – Lumière exhibition, Galerie Suzanne Michel, Paris, France
From December 19th, 1951 to January 12th, 1952


7th Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Palais des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France.
From July 18th to August 17th, 1952


Exhibition at the Galerie Suzanne Michel, Paris, France

8th Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Palais des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France.
From July 10th to August 9th 1953


9th Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Palais des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France.


Le Mouvement exhibition, Galerie Denise René, Paris, France.
From April 6th to 30th, 1955


1st Festival d’Avant-Garde, Cité radieuse Le Corbusier, Marseille, France.
From August 4th to 31st, 1956

São Paulo Biennial, São Paulo, Brazil.


Homenaje a Soto exhibition, Centro profesional de Este, Caracas, Venezuela
From June 27th, 1957


World exposition, Venezuelan pavilion, Brussels, Belgium.
From April 17th to October 19th, 1958

XXIX Biennale Internazionale de Venezia, Venezuelan pavilion, Venice, Italy.
From June 14th to October 19th, 1958


Vision in Motion, Motion in Vision exhibition, Hessenhuis, Antwerp, Belgium.
From March 21st to May 3rd, 1959

Zero, Dynamo 1 exhibition, Galerie Renate Boukes, Wiesbaden, Germany
From July 10th to August 7th, 1959

Musée d’Art Moderne de São Paulo Biennial, Musée d’Art Moderne de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
From September to December 1959

Multiplication d’objets exhibition, Galerie Edouard Loeb, Paris, France
From November 27th to December 19th, 1959

Exhibition at the Galerie Arnaud, Paris, France.

Exhibition at the Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden.


Soto Venice Biennial, 1966

Venice Biennal, 1966
(on the right) Inocente Palacios, Soto
Photo André Morain / Archives Soto


Paris obsessions exhibition, Staempfli Gallery, New York, USA.
From March 8th to 26th, 1960

Kinestische Kunst exhibition, Kunstgewerbemuseum, Zürich, Switzerland.
From May to June 1960

XXX Biennale Internazionale d’Arte di Venezia, Venice, Italy.
From June 18th to October 16th, 1960

Konkrete Kunst – 50 Jahre Entwicklung exhibition, Helmhaus, Zürich, Swiss.
From June 8th to August 14th, 1960

Multiple artworks from the Edition MAT, Paris, That Move or Can Be Moved exhibition, Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld, Germany.
From April 1st to May 8th, 1960

3rd Festival d’art d’avant garde, Amercian Pavilion, Porte de Versailles, Paris, France.
From November 18th to December 15th, 1960


Bewogen Beweging exhibition, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
From March 10th to April 17th 1961
Itinerant : Amsterdam, Stockholm, Humlebaek

Soto-Takis exhibition, Galerie Rudolf Zwirner, Essen, Germany.
From March 15th to April 30th, 1961

ZERO – Edition Exposition Demonstration exhibition, Galerie Schmela, Düsseldorf, Germany.
From July 5th, 1961

Expositie, demonstratie ZERO exhibition, Galerie A, Arnhem, Netherlands.
From December 9th to 31st, 1961


ZERO – schilders gezoken door de galerie exhibition, Galerie Ad Libitum, Antwerp, Belgium
From January 13th to February 13th, 1962

Nul exhibition, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
From March 9th, 1962

XXXI Biennale Internazionale d’Arte di Venezia, Venice, Italy.
From June 16th to October 7th, 1962

Ponctuations et vibrations exhibition, Galerie Ad Libitum, Antwerp, Belgium
From December 6th, 1962


Structures Vivantes exhibition, Galerie Diderot, Paris, France.
From April to May 1963

2nd Bienal Armando Reveron, Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela
May 1963

ZERO – Der neue Realismus exhibition, Galerie Diogenes, Berlin, Germany.
From March 30th to April 30th, 1963

Europäische Avantgarde exhibition, Schwanenhalle des Römers, Frankfurt, Germany.
From July 9th to August 11th, 1963

VII São Paulo Biennial, São Paulo, Brazil.


Soundings one exhibition, The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, England.
From January 26th to February 16th, 1964

Nouvelle tendance, Propositions visuelles du mouvement international exhibition, Musée des arts décoratifs, Paris, France.
May 1964

ZERO exhibition, The New Vision Center, London, England.
From June 15th to July 4th, 1964

XXXII Biennale Internazionale d’Arte di Venezia, Venezuela Pavilion, Venice, Italy.
From June 20th to October 18th, 1964

Dokumenta III exhibition, Kassel, Germany.
From June 27th to October 5th, 1964

Mikro nul zero. Mikro nieuw realisme exhibition, Galerie Delta, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
From August 7th to 20th, 1964

Zero=0=Nul exhibition, Museum Kröller-Müller, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
From Auguste 8th to August 20th, 1964

Mouvement 2 exhibition, Galerie Denise René, Paris, France.
From December 15th 1964 to February 18th, 1965


20th Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Paris, France.

The Emergent Decade exhibition, Andrew D.White Museum (Cornell University), Ithaca, USA
Itinerant : Ithaca, Dallas, Ottawa, New-York

The Emergent Decade exhibition, Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, Dallas, USA
Itinerant : Ithaca, Dallas, Ottawa, New-York

The Emergent Decade exhibition, The National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Canada
Itinerant : Ithaca, Dallas, Ottawa, New-York

The Emergent Decade exhibition, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New-York, USA
Itinerant : Ithaca, Dallas, Ottawa, New-York

Kinetic and Optical Art Today exhibition, Albright Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, USA.
From February 27th to March 28th, 1965

Nul negentienhonderd vijf en zestig exhibtion, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
From April 15th to June 8th, 1965

Zero Avantgarde exhibition, Galleria del Cavallino, Venice, Italy.
From May 4th to May 14th, 1965

Zero Avantgarde exhibition, Galleria Il Punto, Turin, Italy.
From June 8th to 28th, 1965

1st Salón Panamericano de pintura, Escuela Departamental de Bellas Artes, Cali, Colombia.
From June 18th to June 30th, 1965

Licht und Bewegung, Kinetische Kunst exhibition, Kunsthalle, Bern, Swiss.
From July 3rd to September 5th, 1965

Soundings Two exhibition, Signals Gallery, London, England.
From July 22nd to September 22nd, 1965

Lumière, Mouvement et Optique exhibition, Palais des beaux-arts, Brussels, Belgium.
From October 14th to November 14th, 1965

Licht und Bewegung, Kinetische Kunst exhibition, Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, Germany.
From December 3rd 1965 to January 9th, 1966


International Kinetic Show exhibition, Galerie Ad Linitum, Antwerp, Belgium.
From January 21st to February 10th, 1966

Bianco + Bianco exhibition, Galleria dell’Obelisco, Rome, Italy.
From February 1966

Licht und Bewegung, Kinetische Kunst exhibition, Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf, Germany.
From February 2nd to March 3rd, 1966

XXXIII Biennale Internazionale d’Arte di Venezia, Venezuela Pavilion, Venice, Italy
From June 18th to October 16th, 1966

Movimiento y color exhibition, Galería Conkright, Caracas, Venezuela.
From May 15th to June 12th, 1966

Weiss auf Weiss exhibition, Kunsthalle, Berne, Switzerland.
From May 25th to July 3rd, 1966

3rd Biennal Americana de arte, Ciudad Universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Cordoba, Argentina.
October 1966

21st Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Musée municipal d’Art Moderne, Paris, France.
From October 7th to 30th, 1966

Zero Avantgarde 1966 exhibition, Galleria Associazione Zen, Brescia, Italy.
From October 15th to November 4th, 1966

Multiplication-Art-Transformable exhibition, Galerie La Hune, Paris, France.
From December 9th to December 31st, 1966


Salon de mai, Musée d’Art Moderne de Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

22nd Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris, France.
From April 1st to 23rd, 1967

World Exhibition – Expo 67 Villanueva Soto, Venezuelan Pavilion, Montreal, Canada.
From April 27th to October 1967

Lumière et Mouvement, Art Cinétique à Paris exhibition, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France.
From May to August 1967

II Salón Bolivariano de Pintura, Cali, Colombia.
From June 10th to 18th, 1967

Vom Konstruktivismus zur Kinetik. 1917 bis 1967 exhibition, Galerie Denise René Hans Mayer, Krefeld, Germany.
From June 10th to September 10th, 1967

10 ans d’art vivant 1955-1965 exhibition, Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul de Vence, France
From May 3rd, 1967

Structure, Lumière et Mouvement exhibition, Galerie Denise René, Paris, France.
From February 2nd, 1967


IXème Salon Grands et Jeunes d’aujourd’hui, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, France.
From January 4th to 29th, 1968

Denise René à Londres exhibition, Redfern Gallery, London, England.

Art Cinétique et espace exhibition, Maison de la culture du Havre, Le Havre, France.
From January 27th to March 11th, 1968
Itinerant : Musée de Louviers, Sables-d’Olonne

Painting in France, 1900-1967 exhibition, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C, USA
From February 18th to March 17th, 1968
Itinerant : Washington, New-York, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco

23rd Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Musée municipal d’Art Moderne, Paris, France.
From March 1st to 24th, 1968

L’Art vivant 1965-1968 exhibition, Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul de Vence, France
From April to June 1968

Cinétisme, Spectacle, Environnements exhibition, Maison de la culture, Grenoble, France.
From May 10th to June 1968

50 Jahre Kunsthalle Bern – 12 Environments exhibition, Kunsthalle, Berne, Switzerland.
From July 20th to September 29th, 1968

Le silence du mouvement exhibition, Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, Otterlo, Netherlands.
From July 22nd to November 15th, 1968

From Constructivism to Kinetic Art exhibition, London Arts – Detroit Gallery, Detroit, USA.
From September to November 1968

Peintres et sculpteurs au Ballet-Théâtre contemporain exhibition, Maison de la culture d’Amiens, Amiens, France.
From November 15th, 1968 to January 15th, 1969


10th Salon Grands et Jeunes d’aujourd’hui, Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris, Paris, France.
January 1969

Latin American Paintings exhibition, Solomon R. Guggenheim, Museum, New York, USA.
From February 2nd to September 14th, 1969

Art expérimental exhibition, Musée d’Art et d’Industrie, Saint-Etienne, France.
From April to September 1969

10th Sculpture en plein air Biennial, Parc Middelheim, Middelheim, Belgium.
From June 14th to October 5th, 1969

El arte cinético y sus origenes exhibition, Ateneo de Caracas, Caracas, Venezuela.
From July to August 1969

Exposition-Position exhibition, Galerie Denise René, Paris, France.
From July to September 1969

Masterpieces of Moden Art exhibition, Galerie Denise René Hans Mayer, Krefeld, Germany.
From October 11th to November 10th, 1969


12 ans d'Art Contemporain en France exhibition Grand Palais Paris 1970

12 ans d’Art Contemporain en France exhibition, Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, Paris, France, 1972. Photo André Morain / Archives Soto


World Exhibition, French Pavilion, Osaka, Japan.
From March 14th to September 13th, 1970

Biennale Internazionale d’Arte di Venezia, Salle XV, Venice, Italy.

Notizie 12 exhibition, Galleria Notizie, Turin, Italy.
From April 2nd to May 10th, 1970


Salon Grands et Jeunes d’aujourd’hui, Baltard 11 Pavilion, Paris, France.
From March 26th to April 26th, 1971

L’acier ; Sculptures et reliefs exhibition, Galerie Denise René, Paris, France.
From March 31st, 1971


12 ans d’art contemporain en France exhibition, Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais, Paris, France.
From May 17th to September 30th, 1972

16 artistes, peinture et sculpture exhibition, Galerie Denise René, Paris, France.
From June 1972

2nd Festival d’Automne, Paris, France.


Agam, Bury, Lijn, Shavit, Soto, Takis exhibition, Delson-Richter Galleries, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
From April 30th to July 12th, 1973

29th Salon de Mai, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris et Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, France.
May 1973

XIV Salon des Grands et Jeunes d’aujourd’hui, Grand Palais, Paris, France.
From May 17th to June 12th, 1973

Tendencije 5 exhibition, Galerija Suvremene Umjetnosti, Zagreb, Croatia.
From June 1st to July 7th, 1973

Le Mouvement – Biennale des nuits de Bourgogne, Salle Devosge, Biennale des Nuits de Bourgogne, Dijon, France
From June 2nd to July 30th, 1973

5th Festival International de la peinture, Cagnes-sur-Mer, France.
From June 30rd, 1973

La exposición internacional de escultura en la calle exhibition, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
From December 1973 to January 1974


XV Salon Grands et Jeunes d’aujourd’hui, Paris, France.

Internationaler Zeitgenössischer Kunst exhibition, Kunsthalle, Nuremberg, Germany.

La Galerie Denise René en Madrid exhibition, Galería Aele, Madrid, Spain.
From January to February 1974

11th Contemporary Art Festival “Peintres d’Amérique latine”, Palais des Congrès de Royan, Royan, France.
From March 18th to April 2nd, 1974

Denise René en Caracas exhibition, Arte Contacto Galería de Arte, Caracas, Venezuela.
From May 1974

Nueve artistas venezolanos exhibition, Museo de arte contemporáneo de Caracas, Caracas, Venezuela.
From July 1974


The Movement exhibition, Galerie Denise René, New York, USA.
From April 12th to May 17th, 1975

31st Salon de Mai, Grand Palais, Paris, France.
May 1975

Art Cinétique exhibition, Château de Montbéliard, Montbéliard, France.
From June 14th to July 13th, 1975


10 Ans 10 Affirmations exhibition, Maison de la Culture, Amiens, France.
From March 11th, 1976

Hommage à Mondrian – Salon Comparaisons, Grand Palais, Paris, France.
From May to June 1976

Caracas 1960/65 exhibition, Galería Adler/Castillo, Caracas, Venezuela.
From June 1976

Qualité/Quantité exhibition, Galerie de Larcos, Paris, France.
From June 2nd to July 20th, 1976

Mouvement peint, mouvement agi exhibition, Abbaye de Beaulieu Centre d’Art Contemporain, Ginals, France.
From June 19th to September 12th, 1976

Panorama de l’Art Français 1960-1975 exhibition, Pinacothèque Nationale – A. Soutsos Museum, Athens, Greece.
From January 21st to February 23rd, 1976
Itinerant: 1976-1978 : Athens, Tehran, Baghdad, Damascus, Tel-Aviv, Rabat, Lisbon

Panorama de l’Art Français 1960-1975 exhibition, Galerie Mehré Shah, Tehran, Iran.
From June 1976
Itinerant: 1976-1978 : Athens, Tehran, Baghdad, Damascus, Tel-Aviv, Rabat, Lisbon

Panorama de l’Art Français 1960-1975 exhibition, National Museum of Modern Art, Bagdad, Iraq.
From September 18th to 30th, 1976
Itinerant: 1976-1978 : Athens, Tehran, Baghdad, Damascus, Tel-Aviv, Rabat, Lisbon

Panorama de l’Art Français 1960-1975 exhibition, National Museum, Damascus, Syria.
Itinerant: 1976-1978 : Athens, Tehran, Baghdad, Damascus, Tel-Aviv, Rabat, Lisbon

Panorama de l’Art Français 1960-1975 exhibition, Tel-Aviv Museum, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
From December 1976 to January 1977
Itinerant: 1976-1978 : Athens, Tehran, Baghdad, Damascus, Tel-Aviv, Rabat, Lisbon

Panorama de l’Art Français 1960-1975 exhibition, Galerie Nationale de Bab Rouah, Rabat, Morocco.
From October 12th to 23th, 1977
Itinerant: 1976-1978 : Athens, Tehran, Baghdad, Damascus, Tel-Aviv, Rabat, Lisbon


L’Artiste et l’Environnement exhibition, Sigma, Munich, Germany.
From June 15th to September 15th, 1977
Itinerant: Paris, Munich

XVIII Salon Grands et Jeunes d’aujourd’hui, Grand Palais, Paris, France.
From September 15th to October 16th, 1977

L’Artiste et l’Environnement exhibition, UNESCO, Paris, France.
From December 5th to 7th, 1977
Itinerant: Paris, Munich

Jardins privés de Paris exhibition, Hôtel de Sully, Paris, France.
From October 4th to November 3rd, 1977


Panorama de l’Art Français 1960-1975 exhibition, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal.
From February 1978
Itinerant: 1976-1978 : Athens, Tehran, Baghdad, Damascus, Tel-Aviv, Rabat, Lisbon

L’Œil en Action exhibition, Mnam-Cci, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France.
Itinerant: Paris, Basse-Terre, Tourcoing

L’Œil en Action exhibition, Musée de l’Histoire de la Guadeloupe, Basse-Terre, France.
Itinerant: Paris, Basse-Terre, Tourcoing

L’Œil en Action exhibition, Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Tourcoing, France.
Itinerant: Paris, Basse-Terre, Tourcoing


Thema Zero exhibition, Galerie Dr. Ursula Schurr, Stuttgart, Germany.
From May 18th to July 30th, 1979

Modern Latin American Art: from the Collection of the Museum of Modern Art of Latin America of the Organization of American States exhibition, Lowe Art Museum – University of Miami, Miami, USA.
From October 11th to 25th, 1979

Otra dimensión exhibition, Galería Theo, Madrid, Spain.
From November to December 1979

Arte constructivo venezolano 1945-1965 : Genesis y desarrollo exhibition, Galería de Arte Nacional, Caracas, Venezuela.
From December 2nd 1979 to February 3rd, 1980


Soto at Paris-Paris exhibition Centre Pompidou Paros 1981

Paris-Paris exhibition, National Museum of Modern Art – Georges Pompidou Center, Paris, France, 1981 © Archives Soto / All rights reserved


Le Défi à la Peinture 1950-1980 exhibition, Galerie Hervé Odermatt, Galerie Evolution Pierre Cardin, Paris, France.
From January 12th, 1980

Momentos de la pintura venezola en el siglo XX exhibition, Centro Venezolano de Cultura, Bogota, Colombia.
From August to September 1980

Venezuelan Art Today exhibition, Galería Venezuela, New York, USA.
From October 23rd to November 14th, 1980


Paris-Paris exhibition, Musée nationale d’art moderne – Centre Pompidou, Paris, France.
From May 26th to November 2nd, 1981

Contemporary Art in Latin America and Japan exhibition, National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan.
From October 2nd to December 6th, 1981

Sud American exhibition, Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA.


‘60’89 Attitudes/Concepts/Images exhibition, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
From April 9th to July 11th, 1982

Künstler aus Lateinamerika exhibition, Daadgalerie, Berlin, Germany.
From June to August 1982

Salon Grands et Jeunes d’aujourd’hui, Grand Palais, Paris, France.
From September 16th to October 17th, 1982

L’Amérique Latine à Paris exhibition, Grand Palais, Paris, France.
From December 8th to 15th, 1982


Kunst nach 45 aus Frankfurter Privatbesitz exhibition, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, Germany.
From October 7th to November 27th, 1983

Formes Vivantes, Deux Générations d’Artistes Français, 1951-1983 exhibition, Porin Taidemuseo, Pori, Finland.
From December 4th to 26th 1983
Itinerant : Pori, Helsinki, Malmö

Formes Vivantes, Deux Générations d’Artistes Français, 1951-1983 exhibition, Helsingfors Konsthall, Helsinki, Finland.
Itinerant : Pori, Helsinki, Malmö

Formes Vivantes, Deux Générations d’Artistes Français, 1951-1983 exhibition, Malmö Konsthall, Malmö, Sweden.
Itinerant : Pori, Helsinki, Malmö


Carte blanche à Denise René – l’Aventure géométrique et cinétique exhibition, Paris Art Center, Paris, France.
From May 16th to July 28th, 1984

Le Cinétisme : Mouvement Réel – Mouvement Suggéré 1955-1984 exhibition, Abbaye Saint-André Centre d’Art Contemporain, Meymac, France.
From July 22nd to September 2nd, 1984

Salon Grands et Jeunes d’aujourd’hui, Grand Palais, Paris, France.
From September 21st to October 28th, 1984

Concierto Espacial exhibition, Galería Theo, Madrid, Spain.
From December 1984 to January 1985


Galerie Konstruktiv Tendens exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden.
From March 19th to 25th, 1985

Salon Grands et Jeunes d’aujourd’hui, Grand Palais, Paris, France.
From September 26th to October 13th, 1985

Sculptures, Première Approche pour un Parc exhibition, Fondation Cartier, Jouy-en-Josas, France.
From October 6th 1985 to January 5th, 1986


1st International Ephemeral Sculptures Exhibition exhibition, Fundação Democrito Rocha, Fortaleza, Brazil.
From September 24th to November 1986

Salon des Grands et Jeunes d’aujourd’hui, Paris, France.

Contrasts of Form : Geometric Abstract Art 1910-1980 from the Guggenheim Museum and the Museum of Modern Art, New York exhibition, Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, Spain.
From April 17th to June 8th, 1986
Itinerant: Madrid, Buenos Aires, São Paulo, Caracas

Contrasts of Form : Geometric Abstract Art 1910-1980 from the Guggenheim Museum and the Museum of Modern Art, New York exhibition, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Itinerant: Madrid, Buenos Aires, São Paulo, Caracas

Contrasts of Form : Geometric Abstract Art 1910-1980 from the Guggenheim Museum and the Museum of Modern Art, New York exhibition, Museu de Arte de São Paulo, Brazil.
Itinerant: Madrid, Buenos Aires, São Paulo, Caracas

Contrasts of Form : Geometric Abstract Art 1910-1980 from the Guggenheim Museum and the Museum of Modern Art, New York exhibition, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Caracas, Venezuela.
Itinerant: Madrid, Buenos Aires, São Paulo, Caracas


Exhibition at the Galerie Zero, Stockholm, Sweden.

Fifty Years of Collecting : An Anniversary Selection, Painting Since World War II exhibition, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York, USA.


Exhibition at the Brownstone Gallery, Los Angeles, USA

Science, art et technologie exhibition, Galerie d’art l’Estrade, Paris, France.

Zero, un Movimiento Europeo : Colección Lenz exhibition, Fundación Juan March, Madrid, Spain.
From April 8th to June 12th, 1988

Salon des Grands et Jeunes d’aujourd’hui, Paris, France.

La Couleur Seule, l’Expérience du Monochrome exhibition, Musée Saint-Pierre d’Art Contemporain, Lyon, France.
From October 7th to December 5th, 1988

Bienal de San Juan del grabado latinoamericano y del caribe – Soto, Instituto de cultura Puertorriqueña, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
From October 14th to December 30th, 1988

Denise René présente : Art construit Lumière et Mouvement exhibition, Galerie de la Défense Art 4, Paris, France.
From November 22nd 1988 to January 5th, 1989


Aventuras de la Optica, Soto y Cruz Diez exhibition, Palacio de los Condes de Gabía, Granada, Spain.
From April 1989

Exposition inaugurale exhibition, Stiftung für konkrete Kunst, Reutlingen, Germany.
From April 9th, 1989

Art in Latin America exhibition, Hayward Gallery, London, United-Kingdom.


Soto Penetrable de Tongyeong South Korea

Soto. “Penetrable de Tongyeong”, 1997 450 x 400 x 1000 cm
Tongyeong Nammang Open Air Sculpture Park, Tongyeong, South Korea © Archives Soto / All rights reserve



Salon de Mai, Grand Palais, Paris, France.
From May 5th to 20th, 1990

Salon des Grands et Jeunes d’aujourd’hui, Grand Palais, Paris, France.
From September 28th to October 15th, 1990

Homenaje al cuadrado exhibition, Galeria Theo, Madrid, Spain.
From November 14th, 1990

Group Exhibition exhibition, Elisabeth Franck Gallery, Knokke-le-Zoute, Belgium.
From October 7th to November 5th, 1990

Abstraction Géométrique du Constructivisme au Cinétisme exhibition, Centre culturel de Compiègne, Compiègne, France.


50 ans de réflexion et d’action en art contemporain exhibition, Beuvry, France.
From January 19th, 1991
Itinerant : Beuvry, Aire-sur-la-Lys, Touquet

50 ans de réflexion et d’action en art contemporain exhibition, Aire-sur-la-Lys, France.
From February 16th, 1991
Itinerant: Beuvry, Aire-sur-la-Lys, Touquet

50 ans de réflexion et d’action en art contemporain exhibition, Touquet, France.
From March 30th 1991
Itinerant : Beuvry, Aire-sur-la-Lys, Touquet

Salon des Grands et Jeunes d’aujourd’hui, Paris, France.


World Exhibition, Sevilla, Spain.

Zero-Einz Europäische Avantgarde exhibition, Galerie Neher, Essen, Germany.
From May 15th to July 20th, 1992

Les matières plastiques dans l’art contemporain exhibition, Centre culturel Aragon – Musée du peigne et des matières plastiques, Oyonnax, France.
From May 23rd to July 4th, 1992

From Torres-García to Soto exhibition, Art Museum of the Americas, Washington D.C., USA.
From June 26th to October 7th, 1992

L’art en mouvement exhibition, Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul de Vence, France.
From July 4th to October 15th, 1992

Latin American Artists of the Twentieth Century exhibition, Estación plaza de armas, Sevilla, Spain.
From August to October 12th, 1992
Itinerant : Sevilla, Paris

9th Salon d’Art Contemporain, Complexe de la Grenette, Bourg-en-Bresse, France.
From November 4th to 22nd, 1992

Latin American Artists of the Twentieth Century exhibition, Musée nationale d’art moderne – Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France.
From November 12th, 1992 to January 11th, 1993
Itinerant : Sevilla, Paris


1st Egyptian International Print Triennale, National Centre of Fine Arts, Giza, Egypt.

Manifeste, Une histoire parallèle, 1960-1990 exhibition, Mnam-Cci, Centre Pompidou, Paris,
From January 21st to December 12th, 1993

Triennale des Amériques, Présences en Europe 1945-1992, Espace Sculfort, Maubeuge, France.
From April 25th to July 4th, 1993

Venezuela es así exhibition, Casa de América, Madrid, Spain.
From September 22nd to November 14th, 1993

Academie 1993 – Mitglieder ausstellung mit Gästen exhibition, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany.
From November 28th, 1993 to January 30th, 1994


II Exposición internacional de esculturas en la calle exhibition, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain.
From February 1994

Fragmentos para um museu imaginario exhibition, Fundação de Serralves, Porto, Portugal.
From July 28th to September 18th, 1994

Soto-Otero-Cruz-Diez exhibition, Altamira Fine Art, Caracas, Venezuela.
From October 1994 to January 1995

Bienal Internacional de arte de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
From October 12th to December 11th, 1994

IV Bienal Internacional de Pintura de Cuenca, Museo de Arte Moderno, Cuenca, Ecuador.
From October 21st 1994 to January 27th, 1995


La decada prodigiosa exhibition, Fundación Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela.
From July to August 1995

Mode et art 1960-1990 exhibition, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Belgium.
From September 29th 1995 to January 7th, 1996


Les Champs de la Sculpture exhibition, Champ-Elysées, Paris, France.
From April 11th to June 9th, 1996

23rd Bienal de São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brésil.
From October 5th to December 8th 1996


Made in France 1947-1997 exhibition, Musée national d’art moderne – Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France.
From January 30th to September 29th, 1997

4 artists from Venezuela exhibition, Park Ryu Sook Gallery, Seoul, Korea.
From April 15th to June 15th, 1997

Norte del Sur : Venezuelan Art Today, Philbrook Museum of Art, Tulsa, USA.
From June 22nd to August 17th, 1997

La Collection du Centre Georges Pompidou : les Chefs d’œuvre du Musée national d’art moderne exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan.
From September to December 1997

I Bienal de Artes Visuales de Mercosur, Fundação Bienal de Artes Visuais do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
From October 2nd to November 30th, 1997

Zero und Paris 1960. Und Heute exhibition, Villa Merkel, Esslingen am Neckar, Germany.
From October 19th to December 14th, 1997
Itinerant: 1997-1998 : Essen, Nice

La Gran Vía de la Escultura exhibition, Gran Vía del Marqués del Turia, Valencia, Spain.
From November 15th 1997 to January 30th, 1998

Tongyoung Nammang Park Open air exhibition, Open air sculpture Park, Tongyoung, Korea.


24th Bienal de São Paulo, Section Monocromos, São Paulo, Brazil.

Monumental Sculpture in the Elements : An International Exhibition of Outdoor Sculpture exhibition, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
From February to May 1998

Five Sides to a Square – Josef Albers, Robert Indiana, Leon Polk Smith, Jesús Rafael Soto, Victor Vasarely exhibition, Associated American Artists, New York, USA
From March 26th to May 2nd, 1998

Gli Artisti del Giardino di Daniel Spoerri exhibition, Fondazione Il Giardino di Daniel Spoerri, Grosseto, Italy.
From July 18th to October 31st, 1998.

Zero – Gestern und Heute exhibition, Galerie Neher, Essen, Germany.
From October 6th to 31st, 1998

L’Ecole de Paris 1945-1964 exhibition, Musée National d’Histoire et d’Art, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
From December 12th, 1998 to February 21st, 1999

Zero International. Zero und Paris 1960. Und Heute exhibition, Musée d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain de la Ville de Nice, Nice, France.
From April 11th to June 18th, 1998
Itinerant: 1997-1998 : Essen, Nice


Georges Pompidou et la Modernité exhibition, Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume, Paris, France.
From February 23rd, to April 18th, 1999

Vivre Paris – Rencontre avec 30 artistes Latino-Américains exhibition, Fondation Electricité de France, Espace Electra, Paris, France.
From February 24th to April 18th, 1999

1st Biennale d’Arts d’Amérique Latine, Toit de la Grande Arche – La Défense, Paris, France.
From May 18th to June 13th, 1999

Exposition latino-américaine du 7e prix Château Haut-Gléon exhibition, Espace Lhomond, Paris, France.
From October 14th to 17th, 1999

Exhibition Galerie Lovers of Fine Arts, Gstaad, Switzerland.
From December 1999


Soto Lo(s) Cinético(s) exhibition 2007 Reina Sofia Madrid

Soto. “Extensión amarilla y blanca”, 1979
50 x 300 x 900 cm
Exhibition Lo(s) Cinético(s), Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain, 2007. Photo © Archivo Fotográfico Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia


Le Musée du XXe siècle de Michel Ragon exhibition, Hôtel du Département, La Roche-sur-Yon, France.
From April 15th to July 9th, 2000

Campos de Fuerzas, un Ensayo sobre el Cinético exhibition, Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
From April 19th to June 18th, 2000
Itinerant : Barcelona, London

Le mouvement et la lumière – Carte blanche à Denise René exhibition, Musée de Cambrai, Cambrai, France.
From April 29th to September 10th, 2000

Force Fields : Phases of the Kinetic exhibition, Hayward Gallery, London, United Kingdom.
From July 13th to September 17th, 2000
Itinerant : Barcelona, London

Forms and Movements in the 20th Century Art – Hommage to Denise René exhibition, Tsukuba Museum of Art, Tsukuba, Japan.
From July 29th to August 27th, 2000

Forms and Movements in the 20th Century Art – Hommage to Denise René exhibition, Marugame Genichiro-Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art, Marugame-shi, Japan
From October 21st to December 10th, 2000

Heterotopías exhibition, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain.
From December 12th, 2000 to January 27th, 2001

Un homme une empreinte, Gaston Diehl exhibition, Fondation Nationale des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques, Paris, France.
From December 24th to 31st, 2000


Geometría como Vanguardia exhibition, Museo de Arte Moderno Jesús Soto, Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela.
From February 16th to April 2001

Denise René, l’Intrépide, Une galerie dans l’Aventure de l’Art Abstrait exhibition, Musée National d’art moderne – Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France.
From April 4th to June 4th, 2001

Forms and Movements in the 20th Century Art – Hommage to Denise René exhibition, Musée Chosun et Galerie Hyundai, Seoul, Korea.
From June 26th to August 15th, 2001

Beau Monde : Toward a Redeemed Cosmopolitanism – Santa Fe’s Fourth Internation Biennal, Santa Fe, USA.
From July 14th, 2001 to January 6th, 2002

Peintures – Aillaud, Hantaï et Soto exhibition, Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Rennes, Rennes, France.
From November 22nd to December 19th, 2001


Paris : Capital of the Arts 1900 – 1968 exhibition, Royal Academy of Arts, London, United Kingdom.
From January 26th to April 19th, 2002
Itinerant : London, Bilbao

París : Capital de las Artes 1900 – 1968 exhibition, Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain.
From May to June 2002
Itinerant : London, Bilbao

Dos hombres de un mismo río exhibition, Galería de Arte Ascaso, Caracas, Venezuela.
From October to December 2002


4th Egyptian International Print Triennale, Egypt.

GEO-METRIAS Abstracción geométrica latinoamericana en la Colección Cisneros exhibition, Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires – MALBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
From March 14th to May 19th, 2003

L’Art de l’Ecriture exhibition, Librairie Michel Bouvier, Paris, France.
From June to July 2003

Art in Motion, Stichting Beeldenpark Vijversburg, Leeuwarden, Netherlands.
From June 21st to September 14th, 2003

Nine Venezuelan Modern Masters, Madi Museum & Gallery, Dallas, Texas, USA
From November 19th, 2003 to February 14th, 2004


Latin American & Caribbean Art from the Collection of the Museum of Modern Art exhibition, El Museo del Barrio, New York, USA.
From March 4th to July 25th, 2004

ZERO. Die europäische Vision – 1958 bis heute. Sammlung Lenz Schönberg exhibition, Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Zagreb, Croatia.
From April 29th to June 20th, 2004

Beyond Geometry : Experiments in Form, 1940s-70s exhibition, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, USA
From June 13th to October 3rd, 2004
Itinerant : Los Angeles, Miami

Parallel stories : Brazilian and Venezuelan art – 1950-1970 exhibition, Sicardi Gallery, Houston, USA.
From June 17th to September 2004

Inverted Utopias : Avant-garde art in Latin America exhibition, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, USA
From September 12th, 2004

4 Maîtres du Venezuela, mouvement & abstraction exhibition, Espace Meyer-Zafra, Paris, France
From September 27th to October 27th, 2004

Metáfora entre luz y color exhibition, Galería de Arte Ascaso, Caracas, Venezuela.
From November 2004 to February

Beyond Geometry : Experiments in Form, 1940s-70s exhibition, Miami Art Museum, Miami, USA
From November 18th to April 24th, 2004
Itinerant : Los Angeles, Miami


Etapas creativas : Homenaje a Jesús Soto exhibition, Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela.
From April to July 2005

L’Œil Moteur exhibition, Musée d’art Moderne et Contemporain de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France.
From May 13th to September 25th, 2005

Prague Biennale 2 – expanded painted / acción directa, Karlín Hall, Prague, Czech republic.
From May 26th to September 15th, 2005

Arte del siglo XX. Colección internacional Museo Rufino Tamayo exhibition, Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
From July to September 2005

“Agua sin ti no soy” – Bienal de Valencia, Fundación de la C.V., Valencia, Spain.
From September 24th to November 30th, 2005


ZERO. Künstler einer europäischen Bewegung exhibition, Museum der Moderne, Salzbourg, Austria.
From January 21st to July 2nd, 2006

Cuatro maestros de la abstracción exhibition, Osalys Galería de Arte, Caracas, Venezuela.
From March 19th to April 9th, 2006

Zero Avant-garde internationale des années 1950-1960 exhibition, Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, Germany.
From April 8th to July 9th, 2006
Itinerant : Düsseldorf, Saint-Etienne

Cruce de miradas exhibition, Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico, Mexico.
From August 2nd to October 22nd, 2006

La utopía cinética exhibition, Centre Culturel Sa Nostra, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
From November 28th 2006 to January 27th, 2007
Itinerant: Palma de Mallorca, Sevilla

Límites / Rutas Intangibles exhibition, Museo de Arte y Diseño Contemporáneo, San José, Costa Rica.
From December 2006 to February 2007

The Sites of Latin American Abstractions exhibition, Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, Miami, USA.
From December 6th 2006 to February 18th, 2007


Paris du monde entier. Artistes étrangers à Paris 1900-2005 exhibition, The National Art Center, Tokyo, Japan.
From February 7th to May 7th, 2007

La utopía cinética exhibition, Caja San Fernando, Sevilla, Spain.
From February 8th to April 15th, 2007
Itinerant : Palma de Mallorca, Sevilla

The Diane and Bruce Halle Collection of Latin American Art exhibition, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA.
From March to June 2007

La tradición de la forma exhibition, Odalys Galería de Arte, Caracas, Venezuela.
From March 25th to April 8th, 2007

Lo(s) Cinético(s) exhibition, Museo Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain.
From March 27th to August 20th, 2007

The Geometry of Hope : Latin American Abstract Art from the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Collection exhibition, Grey Art Gallery, New York, USA.
From September 12th to December 8th, 2007

Face to face, The Daros exhibitions, Zürich, Suisse.
From October 2007 to February 2008

Tamaño real exhibition, Galería Cayón, Madrid, Spain.
From December 20th, 2007 to February 2nd, 2008


MAXOmin Tendencias de Máxima Minimización en el Arte Moderno exhibition, Fundación Juan March, Madrid, Spain.
From February 8th to May 25th, 2008

Revolução cinética exhibition, Museu do Chiado, Lisbon, Portugal.
From March 14th to June 15th, 2008

Exhibition at the Galería Artespacio, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
From July 9th to August 2nd, 2008

Unico y diverso exhibition, Galería de Arte Ascaso, Caracas, Venezuela.
From October 2008 to January 2009


Pas nécessaire et pourtant indispensable 1979-2009 : 30 ans d’art contemporain à Meymac exhibition, L’Abbaye Saint André – Centre d’Art Contemporain, Meymac, France.
From July 4th to October 11th, 2009

Bewegung ! exhibition, Galerie Konkret Martin Wörn, Sulzburg, Alemania.
From October 4th to November 1st, 2009


Soto ZERO Countdown to Tomorrow 1950s 60s exhibition Guggenheim Museum NYC

ZERO : Countdown to Tomorrow, 1950s-60s exhibition, October 10, 2014 – January 7, 2015, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Photo David Heald © Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum


Le Mouvement, Vom Kino zue Kinetik exhibition, Museum Tinguely, Basel, Switzerland
From February 10th to May 16th, 2010

Constructive Spirit: Abstract art in South and North America, 1920-50s exhibition, Newark Museum, Newark, USA.
From February 17th to May 23rd, 2010

Luce e movimento/Lumière et mouvement exhibition, Signum Foundation, Palazzo Doná, Venice, Italy.
From May 21st to October 16th, 2010

Complete concrete exhibition, Museum Haus Konstruktiv, Zurich, Switzerland.
From August 27th 2010 to January 1st, 2011

Venezuela Geometric Abstraction exhibition, Frost Art Museum, Miami, USA.
From October 13rd, 2010 to January 2nd, 2011

Suprasensorial experiments in light, color, and space exhibition, The Museum of Contemporary Art MOCA, Los Angeles, USA.
From December 11th, 2010 to February 27th, 2011
Itinerant 2010 – 2012: Los Angeles, Houston


Valera, Cruz-Diez, Soto, Geométricos de colección exhibition, Ascaso Gallery, Miami, USA.

América fría – La abstracción geométrica en Latinoamérica 1934-1973 exhibition, Fundación Juan March, Madrid, Spain.
From February 11th to May 15th, 2011

Escaut-Rives-Dérives exhibition, Musée Matisse, Le Cateau-Cambrésis, France.
From May 19th, 2011 to January 2012

Sculptures en mouvement exhibition, Château Lacoste, Lacoste, France.
From June 15th to September 20th, 2011

50 artistes, une collection Société de la Fondation Maeght exhibition, Fondation Marguerite et Aimé Maeght, Saint-Paul de Vence, France.
From December 17th, 2011 to March 18th, 2012


Suprasensorial experiments in light, color, and space exhibition, Hirshhorn Museum, Washington, USA.
From February 22nd to May 13th, 2012
Itinerant 2010 – 2012: Los Angeles, Houston

Soto / Calder exhibition, Dan Galeria, São Paulo, Brazil.
From May 18th to 31st, 2012

Venezuela en Arts exhibition, Centre d’Art Contemporain Frank Popper,
Marcigny, France.
From July 7th, 2012

Réflexion, forme, lumière exhibition, Galerie Denise René, Paris, France.
From May 10th to June 23rd, 2012


La invención concreta, Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros exhibition, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain.
From January 23rd to September 16th, 2013

Dynamo, Un siècle de lumière et de mouvement dans l’art, 1913-2013 exhibition, Grand Palais, Paris, France.
From April 10th to July 22nd, 2013

Carboneras: arte en movimiento exhibition, Castillo de San Andres, Carboneras, Spain.
From July to August 2013

Reconstructivismo 1.0 exhibition, Galería Odalys, Madrid, Spain.
From November 7th 2013 to February 1st, 2014

Homage to Denise René exhibition, Espace-Expression, Miami, USA.
From December 3rd, 2013 to May 3rd, 2014


Radical Geometry exhibition, Royal Academy of Arts, London, United Kingdom.
From July 5th to September 18th, 2014

Zero, Countdown to Tomorrow, 1950’s-1960’s exhibition, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA.
From October 10th, 2014 to January 7th, 2015


Zero: The International Art Movement of the 50s and 60s exhibition, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, Germany.
From March 21st to June 8th, 2015

Op Art – Kinetik – Licht ; Kunst in der Sammlung Würth, von Josef Albers und Vasarely bis Patrick Hughes exhibition, Würth Museum, Schwäbisch, Germany.
From May 18th, 2015 to March 28th, 2016

Superposiciones: Arte latinoamericano en colecciones mexicanas exhibition, Musée Tamayo, Mexico, Mexico.
From May 23rd to October 4th, 2015

Zero: let us explore the stars exhibition, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
From July 4th to November 8th 2015

Transmissions: Art in Eastern Europe and Latin America, 1960-1980 exhibition, The Museum of Modern Art – MOMA, New York, USA.
From September 5th, 2015 to January 3rd, 2016

Paulin, Paulin, Paulin exhibition, Galerie Perrotin, Paris, France.
From October 21st to December 19th, 2015

Let’s move exhibition, La patinoire royale, Brussels, Belgium.
From November 26th, 2015 to March 26th, 2016

Biennale de Lyon, Lyon, France.
From September 10th, 2015 to January 3rd, 2016


The illusive eye exhibition, Museo del Barrio, New York, USA.
From January 20th to April 30th, 2016

Eye Attack exhibition, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaeck, Denmark.
From February 4th to June 5th, 2016

Soto y Vasarely exhibition, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas, Caracas, Venezuela.
From March 20th, 2016

Elmgreen & Dragset present Galerie Perrotin at the Grand Palais exhibition, Grand Palais, Paris, France.
December 24th, 2016

Art in Europe 1945 -1968: Facing the future exhibition, ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany.
From October 21st, 2016 to January 29th, 2017


Todo es movimiento, Op Art y Arte Cinético en la Colección Würth exhibition Museo Wurth La Rioja, Agoncillo, Spain.
From March 10th to April 2nd, 2018

Masterpieces exhibition, Ascaso Gallery, Miami, USA.
From April 22nd to June 2nd, 2017

Kinesthesia: Latin American Kinetic Art exhibition, 1954-1969, Palm Springs Art Museum, Palm Springs, USA.
From August 26th, 2017 to January 15th, 2018

The other trans-atlantic Kinetic and Op Art in eastern Europe and Latin America exhibition, Modern Art Museum, Warsaw, Poland.
From November 17th, 2017 to February 11th, 2018
Itinerant 2017-2018: Warsaw, Moscow


The other trans-atlantic Kinetic and Op Art in eastern Europe and latin America exhibition, Garage Museum, Moscow, Russia.
From March 17th to May 9th, 2018
Itinerant 2017-2018: Warsaw, Moscow

Concrete Matters exhibition, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden.
From February 24th to May 13th, 2018

L’aventure de la couleur exhibition, Centre Pompidou-Metz, Metz, France.
From March 24th to October 1st, 2018

Grandes artistas latinoamericanos. Colección FEMSA exhibition, Fundación Centro Cultural Palacio de la Moneda, Santiago, Chile.
From March 28th to July 22nd, 2018

Signals exhibition, S2 Sotheby’s, London, United Kingdom.
From April 27th to July 13th, 2018

Latinoamérica : volver al futuro exhibition, MACBA Museo de arte contemporáneo de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
From April 6th, 2018 to March 3rd, 2019

Vapor and Vibration : The Art of Larry Bell and Jesús Rafael Soto exhibition, Tampa Museum of Art, Tampa, USA.
From May 3rd to September 30th, 2018

Vibration in Zero exhibition, MONA Museum, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
From June 9th, 2018 to April 22nd, 2019

Construções Sensíveis exhibition, Centro Cultural Banco di Brasil – CCBB, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
From June 27th to September 17th, 2018

Actie<->Reactie exhibition, Kunsthal Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Pays-Bas.
From September 22nd, 2018 to January 20th, 2019

Obres obertes exhibition, Casa Milá, Fundación Catalunya La Pedrera, Barcelona, Spain.
From September 27th, 2018 to January 27th, 2019

Suspension a History of Abstract Hanging Sculpture 1918-2018 exhibition, Olivier Malingue Gallery, London, United Kingdom.
From October 1st to December 15th, 2018

Squares in motion exhibition, Ritter Museum, Waldenbuch, Bade-Wurtemberg, Germany.
From October 14th, 2018 to April 28th, 2019

Suspension – Une histoire aérienne de la sculpture abstraite exhibition, Palais d’Iéna, Paris, France.
From October 16th to 28th, 2018

Contesting modernity : informalism in Venezuela, 1955-1975 exhibition, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA.
From October 24th, 2018 to January 21st, 2019


Luz y Movimiento. La vanguardia cinética en París 1955-1975 exhibition, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Alicante – MACA, Alicante, Spain.
From February 13th to May 26th, 2019

La collection de la Fondation Louis Vuitton exhibition, Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris, France.
From February 20th to August 26th, 2019

El juego del arte, Pedagogías, arte y diseño exhibition, Fundación Juan March, Madrid, Spain.
From March 22nd to June 13th, 2019

Negative Space. Trajectories of Sculpture exhibition, ZKM Center for Art & Media, Karlsruhe, Germany.
From April 5th to August 11th, 2019

Artzuid – Amsterdam Sculpture Biennial, Apololaan, Minervalaan, Zuidas, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
From May 17th to September 15th, 2019

Vertigo. Op Art a History of Deception 1520-1970 exhibition, Mumok, Vienna, Austria.
From May 25th to October 27th, 2019

From Soto to Vigas exhibition, Gary Nader Art Center, Miami, USA.
From May 29th to July 19th 2019

Sur moderno : Journeys of Abstraction – The Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Gift exhibition, Museum of Modern Art – MOMA, New York, USA.
From October 21st, 2019 to March 15th, 2020

Image d’une collection, 14 artistes historiques de la galerie exhibition, Galerie Denise René, Paris, France.
From October 10th to December 7th, 2019

Destination: Latin America exhibition, Louisiana State University Museum of Art, New York, USA.
From October 24th, 2019 to February 9th, 2020

Shape of time exhibition, West Bund Museum x Centre Pompidou, Shanghai, China.
From November 5th, 2019 to May 9th, 2020


Soto Axis of Horizon exhibition Seoul 2020

“Axis of Horizon” exhibition, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea, 2020 Photo Yoonjae Kim Courtesy MMCA Seoul



Multipled: Edition MAT and the Transformable Work of Art exhibition, Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Saint Louis, USA.
From February 7th to April 19th, 2020

Axis of Horizon exhibition, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, South Korea.
From May 6th to May 24th, 2020

Hyundai 50 Part II exhibition, Hyundai Gallery, Seoul, South Korea.
From June 12th to July 19th, 2020

Abstraction and figuration in space exhibition, Ascaso Gallery, Miami, USA.
From June 29th to September 19th, 2020

Dialogues exhibition, Sicardi Gallery, Houston, USA.
From July 15th to August 29th, 2020

SUD-EST Exposition d’une œuvre de la collection du Centre Pompidou exhibition, Fondation Vasarely, Aix-en-Provence, France.
From September 12th, 2020 to January 31st, 2021

Tools for Utopia: selected works from the Daros Latinamerica collection exhibition, Kunst Museum Bern, Bern, Switzerland.
From October 10th, 2020 to March 21st, 2021

Inaugural installations: The Nancy and Rich Kinder Building exhibition, The Nancy and Rich Kinder Building, Museum of Fine arts, Houston, USA.
From November 21st, 2020 to December 31st, 2021


La Forma Elusiva. Insurgencia y ruptura en el arte venezolano exhibition, Espacio Mercantil Altamira, Caracas, Venezuela.
From March 1st to July 23th, 2021

Color and Motion, Ideas and Dreams: Modern and Contemporary Caribbean and South American Art from the Collection exhibition, The Neuberger Museum of Art, New York, USA.
From May 26th to August 22th, 2021

Los enemigos de la poesía: resistencias en América Latina exhibition, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain.
From June 15th, 2021

Lapse of time – Lapsos de Tiempo exhibition, Museo de Arte Pereira, Pereira, Colombia.
From October 22th, 2021 to December 3rd, 2022

Hommage an Ulrich Schumacher exhibition, Emil Schumacher Museum, Hagen, Germany.
From November 21st, 2021 to March 13th, 2022

Más allá de los árboles exhibition, Museo Tamayo, Mexico City, Mexico.
From December 11th, 2021 to April 30th, 2022

Hängepartie. Kunst mit offenem ende exhibition, Museum für Konkrete Kunst, Ingolstadt, Germany.
From December 16th, 2021 to May 1st, 2022


Synergies: Geometric Art exhibition, Doral Contemporary Art Museum, Doral, USA.
From February 9th to March 23rd, 2022

Révolutions Xenakis exhibition, La Cité de la Musique – Philarmonie de Paris, France.
From February 10th to June 26th, 2022

Cinétique! La sculpture en movement exhibition, Fondation Villa Datris / Espace Monte Cristo, Paris, France.
From April 9th to December 11th, 2022

Zero, pop und minimal – Die 1960er und 1970er jahre exhibition, Von der Heydt Museum, Wuppertal, Germany.
From April 10th, 2022 to July 16th, 2023

Wave exhibition, Marlborough Gallery, New York, USA.
From July 12th to September 10th, 2022

Paris et nulle part ailleurs, 24 artistes étrangers à Paris de 1945 à 1972 exhibition, Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration, Paris, France.
From September 27th, 2022 to January 22nd, 2023

Konkret global! exhibition, Museum im Kulturspeicher Würzburg, Germany.
From October 1st, 2022 to January 15th, 2023

Mouvement, hommage à Denise René exhibition, Château de Bonisson / Bonisson Art Center, Rognes, France.
From October 8th, 2022 to February 26th, 2023

Transformaciones: Obras Latinoamericanas exhibition, Museo de Arte y Diseño de Mirama, San Juan, Portorico.
From October 15th, 2022 to May 20th, 2023

Camiños creatives exhibition, Museo Centro Gaiás, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
From November 11th, 2022 to April 9th, 2023

Musées en exil exhibition, MO.CO. Montpellier Contemporain, Montpellier, France.
From November 11th, 2022 to February 5th, 2023


Mouvement et Lumière #2 exhibition, Fondation Villa Datris, L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, France.
From May 19th to November 1st, 2023

Geometrismos. Jesús Soto y su tiempo exhibition, Espacio Arte al Cubo Centro Banavén – Cubo Negro, Caracas, Venezuela.
From May 12th, 2023

« L’œil vérité » Le musée au second degré exhibition, MAC VAL, Vitry-sur-Seine, France.
From May 13th, 2023

Sorolla & Soto Centennials 1923 – 2023 exhibition, Hispanic Society, New York, USA.
From May 25th to July 16th, 2023

François Morellet. Jesús Raphael Soto. Optical and Movement. Selected works from the collection. exhibition, Louis Vuitton Beijing Culture and Art Space, Beijing, China.
From May 27th to October 8th, 2023

Stains, Corners, Spaces: Abstraction in Latin American Art exhibition, Denver Art Museum, Denver, USA.
From May 28th to October 31st, 2023

Masters that changed the city exhibition, Coral Gables Museum, Coral Gables, USA.
From June 2nd to October 22th, 2023

Radical. L’abstraction géométrique dans la collection Würth exhibition, Musée Würth France Erstein, Erstein, France.
From June 13th, 2023 to January 7th, 2024

The Dynamic Eye: Beyond Optical and Kinetic Art exhibition, Atkinson Museum, Porto, Portugal.
From July 4th to September 30th, 2023

The Grid exhibition, Musée L / Musée universitaire de Louvain-la-Neuve, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
From October 6th, 2023 to February 11, 2024

Immersion. Les origines 1948-1969 exhibition, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne, Switzerland.
From November 3rd, 2023 to March 3rd, 2024

Cinétique 1923 – 2023. Centenaire Cruz-Diez – Soto exhibition, Galerie Wagner, Paris, France.
From November 23rd, 2023 to 20th January, 2024

Festival Ar(t)chipel exhibition, Musée des Beaux-Arts d’Orléans, France.
From October 18th, 2023 to June 16th, 2024


Shifting Planes : Op Explorations in Latin America, Abstraction exhibition, Leon Tovar Gallery, New-York, USA.
From January 25th to March 6th, 2024

50 Anos da Galeria Raquel Arnaud exhibition, Galeria Raquel Arnaud, São Paulo, Brazil.
From February 22th to May 25th, 2024

Latinos #4 exhibition, Galerie Wagner, Paris, France.
From April 25th to June 1st, 2024

Sammlung² exhibition, Josef Albers Museum Quadrat Bottrop, Bottrop, Germany.
From April 28th to September 1st, 2024

Hommage à la France exhibition, Musueum Ritter, Waldenbuch, Germany.
From May 5th to September 15th, 2024

Angel with a Gun exhibition, Alison Jacques, London, United-Kingdom.
From May 10th to June 15th, 2024

Imaging the Third Dimension. Holograms and Optical Illusions in the Würth Collection exhibition, Kunsthalle Würth, Schwäbisch Hall, Germany.
From June 3rd to September 2nd, 2024

JO : Jeux optiques exhibition, Galerie Wagner, Le Touquet-Paris-Plage, France.
From July 15th to September 27th, 2024

In the Making : Contemporary Art at SBMA exhibition, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, USA.
From July 21th, 2024 to March 9th, 2025

OLYMPIA. Una alianza entre el deporte, la educación y el arte exhibition, Museo Vostell Malpartida, Malpartida de Cáceres, Spain.
From July 26th to September 26th, 2024

The Big 4-0 : New Views of the Collection exhibition, Haggerty Museum of Art, Milwaukee, USA.
From August 23th to December 21th, 2024

Carrément Noir et Blanc exhibition, Galerie Wagner, Paris, France.
From September 12th to November 16th, 2024

Electric Op exhibition, Buffalo AKG Art Museum, Buffalo, USA.
From September 27th to January 27th, 2025

Reencuentro Contemporáneo exhibition, Ascaso Gallery, Miami, USA.
From October 24th to November 29th, 2024

Une brève histoire de fils exhibition, Maison de l’Amérique latine, Paris, France.
From 10th October, 2024 to January 16th 2025

Panorama exhibition, Salle de Bal, Perrotin, Paris, France.
From October 14th to October 19th, 2024

Electric Dreams : Art and Technology Before the Internet exhibition, Tate Modern, Londres, United-Kingdom.
From November 28th, 2024 to June 1st, 2025

Carlos Raúl Villanueva exhibition, Centre Pompidou Málaga, Spain.
From October 30th, 2024 to March 2nd, 2025

Convergencias / Divergencias. Dos estéticas en diálogo exhibition, Casa de América, Madrid, Spain.
From December 13th, 2024 to March 8th, 2025


Résonances cinétiques exhibition, Mark Hachem, Paris, France.
From February 11th, 2025 to February 25th 2025

Forever in Motion exhibition, Galerie Xippas, Geneva, Switzerland.
From March 14th, 2025 to May 3rd, 2025

Electric Op exhibition, Musée d’Arts de Nantes, France.
From April 4th, 2025 au August 31st, 2025